operation baobab

Adansonia is a genus of eight species of tree, six native to Madagascar, one native to mainland Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and one to Australia. The mainland African species also occurs on Madagascar, but it is not a native of that island.

A typical common name is baobab. Other common names include boab, boaboa, bottle tree, upside-down tree, and monkey bread tree. The generic name honours Michel Adanson, the French naturalist and explorer who described A. digitata.

Adansonias reach heights of 5 to 30 metres (16 to 98 ft) and have trunk diameters of 7 to 11 metres (23 to 36 ft). Glencoe Baobab – an African Baobab specimen in Limpopo Province, South Africa, often considered the largest example alive, up to recent times had a circumference of 47 metres (154 ft).[2] Its diameter is estimated at about 15.9 metres (52 ft). Recently the tree split up into two parts and it is possible that the stoutest tree now is Sunland Baobab, also in South Africa. Diameter of this tree is 10.64 m, approximate circumference – 33.4 metres.

Some baobabs are reputed to be many thousands of years old, which is difficult to verify as the wood does not produce annual growth rings, though radiocarbon dating may be able to provide age data.

Operation Baobab ini sendiri adalah upaya konservasi terhadap tanaman eksotis dan langka, sebagian besar disertai upaya pemindahan ke lahan baru karena di tempat awalnya sudah tidak memungkinkan lagi tumbuh dengan alami (ancaman penebangan dsb.). Dan untuk pohon yang satu ini terletak di pinggir jalan pantura, terkena proyek pelebaran jalan dan tiap tahunnya terkena pemangkasan karena kabel listrik dan telepon.

Proses pemindahan pohon ini berlangsung selama 3 hari dari Ciasem, daerah Sukamandi ke Bandung. Proses pengangkatan 2 hari, perjalanan setengah hari dan penanaman kembali 4 jam menggunakan crane 50 ton. Pohon dengan tinggi hampir 8 meter ini diperkirakan memiliki berat sekitar 30 ton.

..akhirnya, meletak di tempat barunya.

Setelah foto2nya komplit saya akan coba tulis lengkap cerita tentang pemindahan Baobab ini…

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